Hey! Long time, no write!
Now that summer is long gone and a darker, colder season is upon us, I'm re-engaging with online content I've neglected for a while. I'm reading online (and trying to read more offline, too!), updating profiles and trying to organize my content. I'm figuring out where I'll post smart articles I've read, funny pictures, recipe ideas, etc. -- all things that I like to share and express online, but don't need to share on every site I'm a part of.
Blah, blah, blah... it's a nerd thing.
Okay, let's get into something fun!
Over the past several months, I've discovered and tried amigurumi, using patterns from Easy Crochet Critters. Here are the critters I've made so far -- a penguin and a pair of monkeys:
And today I found some adorable work on Crafty is Cool. I really enjoyed Moonrise Kingdom, the movie these characters are from, and these dolls are precious!